
Service Update - 26 May

Update 27 May, 2021

The Victorian Government announced yesterday the return of restrictions for Greater Melbourne from 6pm, 25 May which includes face masks and gathering restrictions. Unless you are a visitor from Greater Melbourne, our libraries and mobile library are not affected by these changes. Visitors from Greater Melbourne must follow the restrictions when visiting our libraries. All our visitors are welcome to wear a mask in our libraries if you would like to do so.


Facemasks are no longer mandatory in all public indoor settings, except for visitors from Greater Melbourne. We ask that you continue to carry a facemask with you in case you are not able to maintain physical distancing requirements. 


We are excited to announce the Waterline library at the Grantville transaction centre will be open full time from Monday 1/3/21 in line with the transaction centre hours. Our staff will still be available to assist you in person on Tuesday afternoons, Thursday mornings and Saturday mornings. All other times the self-checkout unit will be available for you.


Foster 24/7 is back and we look forward to welcoming in again.

  • 24/7 access swipe fobs will be activated again from Monday 1/3/21.
  • Conditions of use apply as per previous plus covid safe conditions of entry.
  • please ensure you scan QR code upon entry as well as swiping entry
  • If you do not have 24/7 access and wish to apply for this additional membership please drop into the Foster library and chat with a staff member.

Click here to find out more information about applying for 24/7 access at Foster Library.

Drop-off & Pick-up Locations at Corinella and Coronet Bay are back in service.

Place holds on items online or by calling or visiting a Library and have them sent to a pick-up location that’s convenient for you. Once your loan is on its way, we’ll notify you via your preferred contact method with an sms or email. Loans are delivered twice, each week. Drop-off and pick-up locations also accept your loans you’re ready to return – just drop them off during opening hours.

Coronet Bay General Store

100 Cutty Sark Rd, Coronet Bay VIC 3984
Ph: (03) 5678 0866

Drop-off & pick-up loans during opening hours:
7.00am-7.00pm (7 days)

Corinella General Store

56 Smythe St, Corinella VIC 3984
Ph: (03) 5678 0245

Drop-off & pick-up loans during opening hours:
7.00am-7.00pm (7 days)

Our priority is the health and wellbeing of our staff, visitors, as well as the broader community as we deliver you a phased re-opening of library services. We are currently in Step 2B, please click the infographic below for more details.


Public Access

With the health and wellbeing of staff, patrons and the community our priority, there are some changes to how the library will operate which are outlined below.

A limited number of people will be allowed in each library at any one time and social distancing and strict hygiene rules apply at all times.

On arrival at the library, you will be asked to use our new self-check-in app by scanning the QR code with your camera app on your phone and completing a quick registration form. Don’t worry if this is new or you don’t have a phone, our staff will help you out. We appreciate your understanding and compliance with the current Government directives to help keep our staff and communities safe.

Face masks or coverings are no longer a mandatory requirement for Regional Victorians inside our buildings, if you are visiting from greater Melbourne you are required to wear a face mask unless there is a lawful reason not to. You must continue to carry a face mask with you at all times when you leave your home, unless you have a lawful reason. This is in case it’s required, for example, if you aren’t able to keep 1.5 metres distance from other people. 

You will need a library membership or Libraries Victoria card to use the library services. This also assists with contact tracing, should it be necessary. 

There is no longer a time limit for browsing at the library, however each branch will have a maximum number of people allowed at any one time. We ask that you consider keeping your visit to a reasonable duration to allow access for others. This may also mean there might be a wait to get into the library, so please be patient.

Self-checkout will be encouraged where available. The services available at the library include click and collect, Print-on-demand and photocopying, as well as WiFi access and up to 1 hour to use public pc.

There are some items that will not be available including games and toys (e.g. puzzles, board games, lego).

Library opening hours have been changed to accommodate additional quarantine and cleaning requirements, which will include a closure during lunchtime. Libraries are beginning to re-open on Saturdays from 28th Novemeber. The branch hours have been updated on our locations page, click through to your branch for details.

We ask that you follow directional signage and staff advice, maintain hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, physical distancing of at least 1.5 metres and if you are not well, please stay at home. Please be respectful of the rules in place and help keep everyone safe.

Print-on-demand & Photocopying

Print-on-demand and copy services have resumed and cash payments will now be accepted. You will need to be a library member to access these services.

Click & Collect

Click & collect services will continue from library locations at current branch opening hours.

How it works:

1. Place a hold: To access Click & Collect, all you need to do is place your holds by calling your branch or place your holds online and select the branch you want to pick your items up from as normal. Once the items are available, you will be notified by email or SMS that they are ready to be picked up!

2. Collect: Simply visit your branch during current opening hours, to pick up your holds.

3. When you arrive: We ask that when you arrive at the library, to please follow directional signage, maintain hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, physical distancing of at least 1.5 metres and if you are not well, please stay at home. Please remember to use the QR code check-in even if you think you will just be pop-in and out.



Home Delivery Service

Our Home Delivery Service via Australia Post is still available to all members within our area, we will continue to offer this service to all members.


Caring Calls

We’re continuing to call some of our most vulnerable and disconnected members to offer home delivery and any support we can.


Tech Talks

Call a branch or register online to receive a call from a Librarian to help talk you through signing up for ebooks and eaudiobooks on your tablet or another digital device.


Online Chat

Support is available via live chat on our website, where you can chat to a real person online, Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm.


Programs and Events

Most library programming, live events and outreach services have resumed. Storytime has resumed, please check our events page for details – bookings are essential. We will continue our range of virtual events and programs that you can enjoy from the comfort of your home!


Digital Resources

All our digital resources continue to be available to library members. We have a wide range of ebooks, eaudiobooks, emagazines, digital newspapers, kid’s activities, kid’s reading resources, streaming movies and documentaries and even online study courses. Our team are working on adding new e-resources.


Library App

You can get access to our digital library online, anytime or download our app.


Already using our app? Our app is changing – to find out more, please click through to read more about changing over to the new app.

Not a library member? Join online >

For further support or enquiries, please contact your local branch.


Returns & Due Dates

The due date of all items currently on loan have resumed to normal.



Online holds on items held by other library services (inter-library loans and Libraries Victoria) are available. Holds are can be picked-up through our click and collect service at selected locations.  We also have book boxes available through our Home Delivery Service via Australia Post if you are unable to visit a branch. Staff will make every effort to include holds in this delivery. See our About Home Delivery Service page for more details.


Stay up-to-date

Information about plans to reopen or any other changes that arise will be published on our website, in our e-newsletters and on our social media channels.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

For up-to-date health information, please visit the Department of Health and Human Service’s website: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/victorian-public-coronavirus-disease-covid-19

Thank you for your understanding. Take care, and we look forward to seeing you soon.



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