
Dunsmore Road, Cowes

I love this Bass Coast Country
A land of lush green pastures,
And golden sands on beaches,
Beauty right out of a tourist brochure
Unexpected benefits, a world full of bounty

So very many choices to be made
Where to eat, drink coffee or just be,
The wildlife is in abundance and free,

If your need is for peace it’s here
But there’s options to have others near

To live here is a privilege one not to mar,
One to be appreciated every day
An absolute wonderous place to play
Shhhh Lets keep it a secret, don’t spread our
knowledge too far

I know its selfish, but honestly, we need to keep this as somewhere that people can come in the full knowledge that their soul and happiness can hit reset. There are not many places like it left anymore but this is certainly one.

Name: Helen Thompson #2

Special Place: Dunsmore Rd Cowes Beach

Medium: Photograph


Dunsmore Road, Cowes

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